
9 Mom Profiles That Fail Big Time

The HAZMAT Germ-free Mom Profiles

It is normal to keep your child clean, especially before and during meals or by bedtime, but constantly fearing germs and bacteria will turn your little son or daughter into a paranoid disease-fearing hypochondriac. Imagine the long-term psychological effects of this condition. Getting dirty ever now and then can also benefit your child’s health by slowly building his immunity against diseases. So the next time your kids want to play in the mud, let them, like most of their friends do!

Over Dressing Your Child For a Fashion Shoot

It can be exciting to buy cute clothes for your children and take every opportunity to dress them in the best threads you can buy for them. Yes, your children can look fancy and pretty in nice outfits but it might be a good idea to tone down on pricey designer kids clothes. For me, this is one of the most frivolous of all disastrous mom profiles. What child needs a $700 Dior pair of shoes that he or she will outgrow in a year or less? You kids will probably get bullied for being over-dressed anyway. Why risk it?

The Super Model Mom

Some women are lucky enough to almost instantly go back to normal size after delivery. Well, most of us do not have that kind of luck. When you are amongst other new moms, it might be polite to avoid bragging about how you got your waistline back a week after you delivered your baby. It shows vanity and disregard for other people’s feelings at a time when most moms feel insecure about their figure.

I Have The Most Important Job In The World

Back in the day, most mothers wanted the freedom to work like men did. They wanted their own careers and didn’t want to be stuck at home caring for kids for years on end. Now that that has become a norm, women now wish for the opposite – to stay home to raise their kids. Ironically, that is rarely possible these days as both parents today need to work simultaneously to make ends meet. If you are lucky enough to be able to be – just a mom, you really don’t need to rub that in and make other mothers feel like they have neglected their kids for their careers.

Since When Was It All Good All The Time?

The latest trend among so-called spiritual mothers is trying to be all positive about everything. I think this could be one of the most damaging mom profiles around. Sure, being positive is good but not at the expense of your children not being able to show or express how they really feel. It is normal for children to show anger, frustration and sadness, so let them cry or once in a while, whine. Let your kid’s true character shine and work on it from there. Raising a child to think that all is good in this world could be detrimental on how he handles disappointments or even violence in later life. It might be best for kids to know early on that flowers don’t last forever and neither does the fantasy of a perfect life.

Written by Bobbi

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