Watch as a baby sees for the first time, and you will be so thankful for modern technology. Watching the video of this precious moment will absolutely melt your heart. The expression on this child’s eyes as she sees her parents for the first time is just awesome and shows you what the latest eye care can do for those who can barely see.
Piper’s mother posted the video when her baby sees for the first time on her Facebook page to show the world how modern technology can help children and babies with bad eyesight. She hopes that the video would raise awareness about how important it is to give kids as young as infants the right kind of eye care.
Jessica Sinclair, Piper’s mom said, “This was her reaction of her first time being able to see our faces.” In the video, you will tell how the world and Piper’s eyes suddenly opened up once she could see clearly. The day her baby sees for the first time must be the most touching moment of this family’s life.
According to the WHO (World Health Organization), there are about 19 million kids who are visually impaired all over the globe. Of the 19 million, around 12 million of those children have eye conditions that can be easily corrected.
The major barriers that prevent proper eye care for children are the lack of resources, expertise and equipment in many parts of the world. Most children don’t even get to have eye exams in their communities.
There are organizations that step up to help less fortunate people who are affected with bad vision. Some of these organizations include 20|20|20, Unite for Sight, TOMS and Warby Parker.
Watch this amazing video! You’ll be uplifted when a baby sees for the first time and amazed at Piper’s reaction.
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